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PhD Graduates

Most of the work in the Keiderling Group at UIC was done by a group of bright and dedicated graduate students, both American and International, representing many different countries and cultures, whose success is formally recognized in their PhD theses, summaries of which can be linked in the labeled boxes.

Explore by year

2010s Theses 

Weiying Zhu

PhD 2016, B.S. Peking University, 2006, M.S. University of Illinois at Chicago, 2013

Moved to Haas Business School, UC Berkeley, MFE Financial Eng, 2019, now 2018 Intern, Moody’s analytics, Quant Res. Modelling

Spectroscopic Studies on Refolding of Reduced and Mutant Lysozymes, and Collagen/Dentin Crosslinking

Ge Zhang

PhD 2015, B.Eng., Tianjin University, 2007

Postdoc –Bioengineering UIC, membrane protein, then, 2016 Anal. Sci. Catalent Pharma Solution, Lexington, KY, anal. method development, and 2021 move 2020 to Sr. Mgr. CMC Anal. Devel. then 2023 Assoc. Dir. CMC Mirati Therapeutics, CA. after 2024 buy out now Assoc. Direct. At Bristol Myers Squibb, Los Angeles, Analytical R&D and QC

Spectroscopic Studies of Model Protein Interactions with Lipid Vesicles and Insulin Fibril Disassembly

Anjan Roy

PhD 2014, B.Sc.(University of Delhi) 2002, M.Sc.(University of Delhi) 2004, M.S. (University of Illinois at Chicago) 2009

2009 visiting research Czech Acad. With Petr Bour, Prod. Mgr. BioTools, Jupiter, FL, ROA support, then 2015 Ondax, Monrovia, CA, spectroscopy, optics, 2018, became Sr. Eng. Coherent, Inc., Raman instrumentation, spectroscopy, software, 2023 Prod. Line Mgr.

Modeling the Molecular Spectra of Selected Peptides and Development of an Optical Trapping Raman System

Heng Chi (Aurora)

PhD 2013, B.S. 2004, M.S. 2007, Nankai University, China

Lecturer 2013 then , Asst. Prof. Jiangsu Food and Pharmaceutical Science College in Huai’an, China – teaching, peptide research, administration, Laboratory Manager

Structural Studies of Designed Peptides by Spectroscopic Methods: PPII Helices to Extended Beta-Sheets

Ahmed Lakhani

PhD 2011, B.S., University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign, 2003

Initially lecturer, UIC; now Assoc. Prof. and Science Head, Calumet College, St. Joseph’s, Whiting, IN – teaching, undergrad research

A New Dispersive Vibrational Circular Dichroism Instrument: Development, Testing, and Application

Ling Wu

PhD 2010, B.S. 2000, M.S. 2003, Nankai Univ. China

Pharma Experience: 2003 Wisdom Pharma, 2005 Chem-Base Labs, China; Postdoc 2010 Michigan State, rapid flow protein folding studies; then 2012: Principle Sci., Boehringer Ingelheim, Analytical Pharma Development, Ridgefield CT; 2021 currently in North Platt, NE, Director Project management (remote ) for PharmaBlock (USA), Nanjing, China

Thermodynamic and Spectral Studies of Structure and Stability for Related Beta-Hairpin Peptides

Ning Ge

PhD 2010, BS 2004 Peking Univ. MS UIC 2007

Investment banking position in Beijing

Structure of b-Lactoglobulin Interacting with Lipid Vesicles: A Spectroscopic and Thermodynamic Study

2000s Theses 

Rong Huang

PhD 2007, BS 1998, MS 2001, Beijing Normal Univ.

Postdoc 2007 at Univ. Cincinnati, Med school, high density lipo protein; AHA Fellow, then 2012 Anal. Sci. Medpace Inc., LC/MS drug testing; then 2016 Children’s Hospital, LC/MS Clinical Assays, now 2022, Research Sci. at Nitto Avecia, Cincinnati, analytical pharma devel and analysis

Infrared and Circular Dichroism Studies of Carbon-13 Isotopically Labeled Peptide Models

Qi Xu

PhD 2004, BS 1994, MS 1997, East China Normal Univ.

Postdoc 2004 at Univ. Virginia, EPR membrane protein studies, then 2006 Epic, a Baxter division in Massachusetts and 2008 Scientist, Lonza Biologics, Anal. devel. (protein analysis), 2014 Currently: Vice Pres. Boston Institute of Biotechnology, LLC (self-startup, contract res. Biological process devel.)

Equilibrium and Time-Resolved Spectroscopic Studies on Cytochrome C and Other Selected Proteins

Jovencio Hilario

PhD 2003, BS 1994, MS 1995, UIC

Research and Papers in Benight group before TAKgroup; 2013 – UC Berkely, New Manager Cert.; Postdoc 2004 at UC Davis, Microbiology protein DNA interaction, 2007 Susan Komen Breast Cancer Fellow; 2009, Sr. Sci, 2014 Staff Sci, 2018 Senior Staff Scientist Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, protein separations, purification, products

Optical Spectroscopic Investigations of Model Beta Sheet Peptides

Jan Kubelka

PhD 2002, Mgr. 1996, Charles Univ. Prague

SAS National Student Award, 2000; NIH-postdoc, Chem. Phys. Lab NIDDK, Bethesda MD protein folding and dynamics; then: Asst., Assoc. Prof. Chemistry, University Wyoming, NSF Career Awardee, isotopic labeled peptide folding models; now Assoc. Res. Sci., Chem. Petroleum Eng. Dept., U.Wyoming, oil surfactant MD simulations

Vibrational Spectroscopic Studies of Peptide and Protein Structures, Theory and Experiment

Simona D. Stelea

PhD 2002, BS 1988, Polytech. Inst. Timisoara, Romania, MS 1997, UIC

Staff Scientist, Product Mgr., 2001 Sutter Instrum. (cell physiol. instr., appl.) Novarto, CA., 2009 Sales rep., Science Products, Germany; 2011 Appl. Scientist Rapp OptoElectronics, Hamburg; then 2017 to 89 North (Chroma), and 2019 Lumencor, eastern rep. from Frederick, MD, now 2021 Rapp again, Sales Manager, Baltimore - DC area

Thermal Denaturation of Ribonuclease A and Related Proteins: Optical Spectroscopy and Calorimetry Studies

Bernoli Ignacio Baello

PhD 2000, BS 1991, Univ. Philippines, Diliman

Research and publications MS?, Jameson group before TAKgroup, Awards from SAS Local section, International Service Special Merit (Chicago Section); Secondary school, 2000 Northridge Prep, Niles IL, chemistry, math teaching and Dept Chair (won several teaching awards, Best Buy Te@ch, ASM Foundation, AIAA, PittCon Equipment); then 2018 at Prairie School, Racine WI, Upper School Science and Math teaching

Protein Secondary and Tertiary Structure Studies Using Vibrational Spectroscopy and Hydrogen Exchange

R. A. Gangani D. Silva

PhD 2000, B.S. 1991, Univ. Columbo, Siri Lanka

Lecturer, Columbo; Postdoc 2001 Mt. Holyoke (peptide folding, model systems), then postdoc, 2003 in Dept. Pathology, College of Medicine, U. of Cincinnati, OH, work on lipoproteins, then 2006 Research Instructor, and 2009 Asst. Prof. with NIH R99 grant; now, 2012 Senior Scientist, MS diagnostics devel. Nitto Denko Avecia Inc.(Girindus), pharma, Cincinnati

Peptide Vibrational Spectroscopic Studies as Models for Protein Folding Events

1990s Theses 

Gorm Yoder

PhD 1998, BS 1986, Knox College

Scientist, Jordan Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Staff Steroids, Chicago (analytical and compliance), then 2000 Dey Pharmaceuticals (div. Merck), Napa, CA; 2006 Anal. Devel., Theravance, South San Francisco, CA; 2008 Xenoport Inc., Santa Clara, CA, Assoc. Direct., Anal. Serv.; then, 2014 Janssen Pharma, Johnson&Johnson, Sci. Dir. Anal. Devel., NJ-PA area; 2021 Aimmune, Anal. Devel., 2022 now Analytical Director of PureTech Health in PA area

Vibrational Circular Dichroism of Selected Model Peptides

Cheok N. Tam

PhD 1995, BS 1990 Hong Kong Univ. MS 1992 UIC

Post-doc -- Argonne National Labs (IPNS Division), then, Applications, Bruker Instruments, Billerica, MA; Currently: Hong Kong Government, Staff Scientist, Forensic Science Division

Molecular Zeeman and Natural Vibrational Optical Activity Studies of Selected Molecules

Baoliang Wang

PhD 1993, BS 1982, MS 1985 Nankai Univ. China

Postdoc UIC-TAK group (instrum. & protein VCD); currently: Senior Scientist/Engineer -- Hinds Instruments Inc., Hillsboro, OR (developed new instrument for measuring birefringence--IR100 prize winner, four times!);

Magnetic Vibrational Circular Dichroism Studies of Selected Small Molecules

Lijiang Wang

PhD 1993, BS 1983, MS 1986 Fudan Univ. China. MS 1990 UIC

Post-doc -- NIH, NIDDK, Genetics/Biochem (had Science paper), then Bertek Pharmaceuticals, Burlington VT; then 2000 Development Engineer, IBM Microprocessors, VT, 2014 evolve to Global Foundry, then retire and back, 2019 Senior Engineer, IBM, now retired

Vibrational Circular Dichroism Studies of Nucleic Acid Conformations

Rina K. Dukor

PhD 1991, BS 1986, MS 1987 UIC

Postdoc Amoco, then 1991 - Product Manager, Bioinformatics -- Vysis, Inc.; 2000- currently: President and Co-Founder: BioTools, Inc. (VCD, ROA and IR products) orig. Waconda, IL, now Jupiter, Fl: (Past National President Society for Applied Spectroscopy, won IR100 award for ROA instrument), Board of Visitors, LAS, UIC

Vibrational Circular Dichroism of Selected Peptides, Polypeptides and Proteins

Mark R. Vavra

PhD 1990, BS 1979, Northern Illinois Univ., MS 1985, Ill. Inst. Tech., Chicago

Staff Chemist -- UOP, then 1995 Gensym; later East-West U. (Biology professor) and NUHS org chem teach, listed as Senior Analytical Chemist, Chicago

Raman Optical Activity of Selected Molecules

Paul V. Croatto

PhD 1990, BS 1983, MS 1985 UIC

Physical Scientist -- US DOE New Brunswick Lab , (heavy metal analysis), Argonne, IL; now Safeguard Assistance Program Manager, nonproliferation

Magnetic Vibrational Circular Dichroism of Porphyrins and Selected Gas Phase Molecules

Sang Chun Lee

PhD 1990, BS 1984, MS 1985 UIC

Postdoc--U. Tennessee (atomic spec), then Iowa State, next Assistant Professor of Chemistry -- Kyung Nam University, Masan, So. Korea; and Professor Kyung Nam (analytical chem and K-12 science Education), moved to a research Institute and now a company

Spectroscopic Investigation of Transition Metal Complexes by Use of Absorption Spectroscopy and Multiphoton Ionization

Adel El-Azhary

PhD 1990, BS 1979, MS 1984 Cairo Univ, MS 1982 UIC

Instructor 1980 University of Cairo (on leave for PhD); Post-doc -- University of Stuttgart (Humbolt Fellow, computational chemistry); then Instructor - Professor King Faisal Univ., Saudi Arabia; currently Prof. Cairo Univ.

Vibrational Circular Dichroism of Trans-Dicyanocyclopropane and Trans-Tetrahydrofuran-3,4-D(2)

1980s Theses 

Ryong K. Yoo

PhD 1988, BS, MS UIC 1982?

Postdoc UIC-TAK group instrum&MVCD, then postdoc Argonne (ionization spectra), then Research Assistant Prof.-- Texas Tech, Lubbock; Currently living in suburbs (private business)

Electronic Spectra of Selected 5-d-Electron Transition Metal Complexes

Usha Narayanan

PhD 1987, BS,MS Osmania University, 1975 Hyderbud, India

Short term in a Semiconductor company, then Chemist/Manager--Reference Materials Program, New Brunswick Labs -- US DOE, Argonne, IL; retired and part-time teaching at College of DuPage and Elmhurst College

Vibrational Circular Dichroism of Steroids, Peptides and Allenes

Timothy R. Devine

PhD 1984, BS UIC 1979, MS UIC 1983

Staff scientist US Gypsum, IL, then Product Development -- Convatec Corp. (Bristol Meyers Squibb), WI; currently retired, recently moved to Indianapolis

Magnetic Vibrational Circular Dichroism: Experimental Studies of the Faraday Effect in Molecular Vibrations

Petr Bour

PhD 1983 (CSc degree granted at Academy of Science, Prague), RNDr. 1989, Physics, Charles Univ., DSc. Acad. Of Science, 2010

Currently: group leader Inst. Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Academy of Science, Prague (top group in VCD and ROA theory, biopolymer structure and spectra), also Professor at Univ. Chemical Technology, Prague

Computational Study of the Vibrational Activity of Amides and Peptides

Eric Chen Nan Su

PhD 1982, BS 1974, Tsing Hua Univ., Taiwan. MS UIC 1981

Started at a New York company in adhesives; moved to: Research Scientist, Avery Products Cleveland, OH; currently ??

Mid-Infrared Vibrational Circular Dichroism and Applications of the Coupled Oscillator Model

Barbara A. Kozikowski

PhD 1981, BS 1975, Loyola Univ., Chicago

Staff Chemist -- Procter & Gamble, Miami Valley Lab; to P&G Healthcare Research Center (polymers to immunology), then early retirement and moved to SanDiego: Elitra Pharmaceuticals, then back to P&G, pharma; Senior Regional Medical Liaison, Amgen for cardiovascular theraputics, now retired in San Diego

Electronic Spectra of Hexahalogeno Complexes of Osmium(IV), Rhenium(IV) and Platinum(IV)

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