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Postdoctoral Research Associates

A number of very bright scientists joined our group from all over the world. Their impact on our research and training of students was vital for our success


PhD 2000, Physics, Univ. Sao Paulo

2000-05 Campinas, 2005-08 UIUC with Gruebele; peptide dynamics, folding, biomarker detection with SERS

2010 move to: Asst. Professor Physics, Universidade Federal de Alfenas, Brazil, now: then (2014?) Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) in Natal, doing folding, aggregation and related biophysical studies

Zhenjia WANG

PhD Changchun Inst. Physics, CAS, postdoc Rochester

SERS setup and early biomarker applications with nanoparticles

2008 moved to UIC Pharmacology, then Asst. Prof. Pharmaceutical Sciences, Washington State U. Pullman, NIH Career Development Award, now Assoc. Prof.


PhD Belgium?

Senior postdoc in group for 2 years, membrane interaction studies

2006 moved to Cho group, membrane biochem, then in 2009 moved to UIC Biology. Eventually earned degree in Biostatistics, UIC, and now works in Chicago

Joohyun KIM

DPhil 1997, Seoul National Univ., Postdoc –Boston Univ., Tom Keyes

Learned quantum chem method for IR and VCD, molecular dynamics of peptides

2006- Went to NCSA, UIUC, for a year, then 2008 moved to BioInformatics Core and IT Consulting, LSU Computer Center, Baton Rouge; 2013 Gene Lab Director, LSU; 2020 Research Instructor, Dept. Medicine, Vanderbilt


PhD 2002 Chemical Tech. Univ. Prague

Explored large series of β-hairpin peptides with Bob Hammer group

2003 - returned to lecturer position in analytical Chem. at now University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague. Rose to Professor and Chair of Anal. Dept.


CSc (PhD equiv.) 1993, Academy of Science, Prague

Returned several times (1995 – 2013) as postdoc and an extended visitor focused on peptide VCD modelling

1992 returned to Inst. Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Academy of Science, Prague; became Group Leader, then Instructor at Chemistry and Technology Univ. then DSc 2010 and 2013 Professor, Prague

Baoliang WANG

PhD 1993, UIC

Protein VCD FT-VCD instrument development

1994 – moved to Hinds, Inc., Hillsboro, OR - developed many instruments, semi-retired part-time consultation at Hinds

Vijai Prakash GUPTA

PhD Physics, Lucknow, held Faculty position there

Peptide, Protein spectral studies

Returned to Assoc. Professor, Department of Physics, Lucknow University, INDIA

Kathleen SLUIS

PhD 1991? UIC, Gislason

Small molecule VCD modeling

Left for staff position -- U.S. EPA, Chicago, still there, but has changed name

Ryong K. YOO

PhD 1988 UIC

FT-VCD instrument development, MVCD

Left for postdoc Argonne, then Texas Tech, coordinated with his wife, then private business

Marie-Claire TISSOT

PhD 1987 Univ. Fribourg

Small molecule VCD DFT modeling

1988 return Fribourg University, Computer Center staff, Mac Specialist, then 2014 College St-Michel, Fribourg, teaching, now retired

Sritana YASUI

PhD 1981, Florida, postdoc TCU Fort Worth, 1981-83

Initial extended studies of peptides and proteins with VCD and cycloalkane VCD (isotope labeled)

1989 left for FDA research chemist position in Cincinnati, then 1993 move to Boca Raton, FL, first private business and then high school teaching, Adjunct Instructor at local colleges


Postdoc, NRC Ottawa, Canada, Marek Zgierski

Theoretical studies of magnetic VCD and vibronic coupling

1984 - returned to permanent position and rose to Professor, and was Chair, Department Theoretical chemistry Jagellonian University Krakow, Poland, now retired

Asok SEN

PhD 1981, Univ. Calcutta

VCD studies of peptides

1984 moved to postdoc Univ. Florida, chemistry fungal metabolites, then 1988 moved to Schepens Eye Research Institute, Harvard, and various senior science positions in biotech

A. (Al or Anna) Annamalai

PhD 1981, Indian Inst Tech., Madras

VCD measurement and theoretical modeling small molecules chiral by deuteration

1987 left UIC for Sr. Chemist, DuPont, Delaware; 1994 – Software Eng, Mgr. Guided Wave, Sacramento; 2002 Assoc. Director, Wyeth BioPharma then Pfizer, Andover MA; retired, then Founder, BioStat Plus, MA


PhD Germany?

VCD studies of small molecules and first peptide VCD

Left UIC to study graphics computing, Notre Dame; moved to Schlumberger in Houston, then GE in Schenectady, then at HP in CA, where he was Lead, Graphics and GUI Research, now retired

Senior Visitors


2007-08 – PhD Japan, Asst. Prof. Defense Academy of Japan

Research (sabbatical supported by Japan!) – measured hairpin CD, IR, Raman, thermal variations. Returned to position at Defense Academy of Japan— now Assoc. Prof., studying ionic liquid solvation effects, protein aggregation


1990 & 92? – CSc Physics, Charles Univ., then Lecturer there

Research – Protein VCD and some model thermodynamic studies. 1993 -return to Charles Univ., move 1994, as Prof. BioPhysics, with many studies of biomolecule VCD, and along the way became Dean of Chem. Eng. and then 2015 Head of Faculty, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague

Vladimir BAUMRUK

1992-94 – PhD Physics Charles Univ., came from Faculty there

Research - developed ROA instrument, Measured and analyzed Protein VCD in H2O. 1994 returned to Physics, Charles University, progressed Associate Professor, doing Raman studies of biomolecules, nucleic acids, with several visiting Prof. in Paris VI, then 2010 Professor, Dept. Head, and Dean,


1988-90 – PhD 1976, Physics, Charles Univ., then 1981, Asst. Prof.

Research - Development of a statistical method of analyzing protein VCD in terms of secondary structure. Very productive collaboration with multiple trips to continue the work, returned to UIC and stayed 1994 -99 as a Research Assoc. Prof. 1990 return to Res. Assoc. Prof. in Physics, Charles University, Prague. Continued collaboration and worked at SUNY Stoney Brook and Univ. Pittsburgh


1986-88 – PhD Chemical Tech. Univ. (had position at Acad. Sci.)

Research – developed FT-VCD instruments at UIC, studied small cyclic peptides and also some polypeptides with VCD. Made return visits to UIC 1995? to develop a spinning wave plate modulator and 2007? to develop a new dispersive VCD. 1988 - return Inst. Organic and Biochemistry, Czech Academy of Science, Prague, became peptide chemistry group leader; since retired, doing research

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